Provide a brief description of what this service does. Mention the purpose, the domain it belongs to, and any high-level information about the service.
Service Name | Service Name |
Description | Service description |
Protocol | HTTP/2 |
Version | 1.0 |
Service Name: ServiceName
service ServiceName {
rpc MethodName(RequestMessage) returns (ResponseMessage);
// Add more RPCs here
Protocol Buffers File Path: /path/to/service.proto
List of methods available in this service.
<aside> 💡
Create new method by clicking the “Add Method” button on the last method item.
message RequestMessage {
// Fields and description
string exampleField = 1; // Description of the field
Field Name | Type | Required | Description |
exampleField | string |
Yes | Short description of what this field represents. |
[Field2] | [Type] | [Yes/No] | [Field description] |
message ResponseMessage {
// Fields and description
string resultField = 1; // Description of the field
Field Name | Type | Description |
resultField | string |
Short description of what this field represents. |
[Field2] | [Type] | [Field description] |